Outdoor 7v7 Rules

League Rules


The League will follow the Ontario Soccer Association Playing Rules for Indoor Soccer Laws with a few exceptions listed below. OS Indoor rules are available online at www.ontariosoccer.net 

Indoor Rules: http://www.ontariosoccer.net/referee/rules/indoor/194-indoor-soccer-rules

Team/Individual Registration

Payment for the League and player registration must be paid as per League fee schedule (provided on your Team Application).  All League payments must be received before your first league game. Any team/individual giving the League an NSF cheque will be fined $100.00 for each instance.


The Ball

Each team will supply an outdoor regulation ball.   The Ball must be Size 5.

Registration of Team/Players

Players must be registered before he or she is allowed to play in a League Game.  With the exception of the first week, new players are required to register at least three (3) business days before they will be eligible to play.  A player who knowingly plays as an ineligible player will face disciplinary action from the league.

Teams found to have played an ineligible player will be fined $100.00.  Players must register with the league and complete the online waiver form prior to playing. A player is allowed to play on more then one team as long as these teams are not in the same division in the same league.  The players name must appear on the game sheet of both teams he/she is registered for.

No new registrations will be accepted after the team has played 10 games.  Teams must have a minimum of seven players registered before they are eligible to play in a league game.

Number of Players

The game shall not be delayed to allow substitution, except for the substitution of the goalkeeper. Unlimited substitution shall be allowed. When any player other than the goalkeeper is to be replaced, the substitute shall not enter the field of play until the player being replaced is within 1 metre of the halfway line.  Substitutes are made on the fly or at any stoppage of play.

Neither the player entering or the player leaving may interfere with the play while both are on the field.  Any abuse of this rule could result in a two minute penalty. Any of the other players may change places with the goalkeeper, provided that the referee is informed before the change is made, and provided also, that the change is made during a stoppage of the game.

Start and Restart of Play

The game shall commence from the centre  and the ball can be played in any direction. Ball will be thrown in when the ball crosses the sideline.  When a goal is scored the game may not restart until both teams have reached there respective end.

The Game

Games must start and finish on time and team must be ready to play at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled kick off time. A minimum of five (5) players for 7v7 is required to start a game. If a team cannot provide the minimum number within 10 minutes of the scheduled kick off time, they may forfeit the game by a score of 3-0 and may be fined $25.00 to cover administrative and referee costs.

The game will consist of two 25 minute halves.  Games starting late may have the time reduced.  At half time the interval shall not exceed three (3) minutes, except by the consent of the Referee. Games will consist of six (6) outfield players and a goalkeeper (7v7).

Slide Tackles

No slide tackles allowed at ALL !

Goalkeepers my NOT slide feet first when challenging an opposing player for the ball.  This rule applies both inside and outside the goal area.


Spitting on the field will result in a two minute penalty.  Second offence could result in a sending off (5 minute penalty) and disciplinary fine.

Free Kicks

All free kicks are indirect. Players who encroach within 5 meters of the kicker may be cautioned by the Referee.

Penalty Kicks

Penalty kicks during regular or overtime shall be taken from the penalty spot. The kick may be taken by anyone on the game sheet for that game who is on the pitch at the time the penalty is called..


There are NO offsides in GRSC outdoor 7v7 leagues. However, don’t cherry pick!


Fouls and misconduct will be the same as the OSA published rules.

Fighting will not be tolerated.  The league has a ZERO tolerance policy for fighting.  Should a single player be involved in a fight, that player will be suspended for the session.  Players return to the league will be considered only once the session is complete.  The team will be fined $100.00.  Should two or more players from one team be involved in a fight, the team will be removed from the league without refund.  A team’s return will be considered only once the session is complete. 

Red Cards – Decisions will be made by the league disciplinary committee.  Players will have 48 hours after receiving a red card notice to request a hearing.  Hearing requests must be made in writing by sending an email to [email protected].  The offending player must submit the request for appeal.


Red cards will result in a team fine of $10.00 – $100.00+ depending on the nature of the offence.  All fines must be paid before the teams next scheduled league match.  Non-payment could result in a forfeit.

If a player is given a red card, he/she shall leave the playing area immediately and their team must play short handed for the remainder of the game.

Each team is responsible for the behavior of there spectators.  Spectators must remain away from the players benches at all times.  Only Individuals indicated on the Game Sheet are allowed on the field/player bench areas.

Game Protest 

A team must protest the eligibility of an opposing player before, during or at half time of the game in question.  The protest is made to the match referee or league staff.  You must point out which player(s) you wish to protest.  A limit of two player’s eligibility on each team will be checked by the league staff.   Any team found using ineligible players will forfeit that said match by a score of 3-0.

Players Equipment

The player’s equipment shall consist of a regular uniform with a number on the shirt that corresponds to his/her number on the Game Sheet. It is mandatory for all players on the team to have the same shirt color with different numbers. The goalkeeper must wear a numbered shirt with colours that distinguish him/her from the other players on both teams. The number shall be of contrasting colour to the shirt.

Footwear shall be running shoes, indoor soccer shoes (Flat sole), Turf Shoe’s or outdoor soccer cleats.  In the event that the teams have the same colour shirt the home team must change. Shinguards and socks are mandatory at all times.

Game Sheets 

Each player on a team must be represented on the game sheet.  Games sheets will be collected by the referee prior to the start of the game. Game sheets must be completed fully prior to handing them to the game official.



A referee will be appointed to each game. He/She shall enforce the laws of the game and his decision at time of game shall be final. He/She must complete the game sheet at the end of each game and report in writing any discipline problems occurring during the game. The League will not tolerate any abuse to Referees or League officials at any time.  Referee’s decision or interpretation is final.



  1. Points
  2. Goal Difference
  3. Most Goals
  4. Least Goals
  5. Goal Average (Goals against divided by goals for)
  6. Spirit Points
  7. Coin Toss

At the end of each game a Spirit Score is to be awarded to the opposing team on a scale from 1-5 (half scores are not permitted). The team as a whole should have input on what spirit score should be award to the other team.  If two teams are tied in points at the end of the season, the team with the highest Spirit Point average will win the tiebreaker.  All teams should try to follow the guidelines set out below in order to keep it equal for everyone.

Spirit rating = 5

The other team was a great team and we really enjoyed playing against them.  They showed up on time and really showed great sportsmanship throughout the game.  This was one of the best spirited teams we have every played against, we are really looking forward to play against them again.

Spirit rating = 4

The other team was a fun team and we really enjoyed playing against almost all of their players.  They showed up on time and showed good sportsmanship throughout the game.   This is a good spirited team.


Spirit rating = 3

The other team was a fun team and we enjoyed playing against most of their players.  They showed up on time and showed decent sportsmanship throughout the game. Not a bad team to play against.


Spirit rating = 2

The other team was a ok team and we enjoyed playing against only a few of their players.  They showed late and showed poor sportsmanship throughout the game.  The captains should discuss what happened so it doesn’t happen again.  This wasn’t a fun game.   Our captain is going to send a report into the league convener.
Spirit rating = 1

This wasn’t a fun game.  We did not enjoy playing against this team, They showed late and showed horrible sportsmanship throughout the game.   This is the least spirited team we have every played against.  Our captain is going to send a report into the league convener.


Game Suspensions Resulting from Other Conditions


In event of suspension of play by the referee due to weather or poor lighting conditions, in which 25 minutes of play have been completed, the game will be considered by the league as a complete game. The score at the time the game was suspended will be considered the final score. In event of a suspension of play by the referee due to weather or poor lighting conditions in which 25 minutes have not been completed, the game will be considered incomplete by the league. The teams involved in the incomplete game will be  responsible to notify the league. All cancelled games will be rescheduled as soon as possible based on the availability. Teams will be given a minimum of 1 week’s notice except in cases of exceptional circumstances such as time sensitive games that may impact the progression of league or cup play.



(a) All protest arising from games shall be sent to the league via e-mail within 48 hours of the completion of the game being protested. All protests must be accompanied by approval to charge a protest fee of $75 from the team bond together with a copy of the game sheet. Any protests that is received will be forwarded to the team being protested against. protest request that do not meet the previously stated criteria will be deemed to be “out of order” and shall not be heard by the league.



Team Bond

Each team may be asked to pay a sportsmanship bond at the beginning of the season to the league. The bond will be retained by the league at the end of the season unless otherwise directed. A team bond may be used offset any outstanding balances due. Fines for the following infractions will be deducted from the bond applied to:

a) $200 fine for a team that assaults a referee.

b) $50 fine for each time a team representative is not present at a mandatory league meeting

c) A team that plays ineligible players as defined in rule 3 shall be fined:

1. $100 for 1st offence

2. $200 for 2nd offence

3. Removed from the league

d) $10 fine for each team failing to report the game score via the website within 48 hours after the completion of the game or midnight 1 day following the scheduled date of the game, whichever is later.

f) Any team that is fined its entire $200 bond will be up for league review at the end of the season.

g) Any team that has received a minimum of 4 red cards will be up for league review prior to their next game.

h) $50 fine for each team that plays with 2 referees system.

i) $50 fine for each official that plays with a 2 referee system.

j) $50 fine for each official that considers a no-show for an accepted game.

k) Any team that has been assessed $50 or more in fines must pay the amount due before their next scheduled game. Failure to pay the fine before the next scheduled game will result in a forfeit. All subsequent games will be recorded as forfeits until fine is paid in full. In this case, the 3 points will be awarded to opponent teams and the score will be determined according to Rule 3.

l) $50 for failure to update the team roster with the league.

J)$100 for the first No Show by a team in a league or cup game.

K)$250 for the Second and subsequent No Shows by a team in a league or cup game.


League Review

A review shall be completed by the league to determine whether a team and/or a player shall be subjected to a fine and/or face dismissal from the league for any of the infractions listed below:

1. Any team found guilty of a second offence for playing ineligible players

2. Any team that has forfeited their entire $200 bond

3. Any team that assaults a referee.

4. Any special incident not included in points 1 through 4

If any rule is not covered or there is confusion the Conveners decision will prevail.

The League administration will have final discretion on all league matters.